Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My family and friends

I am most grateful for my family. I don't get along with all of them but no matter what we are always here for each other. I really didn't realize it either until I got pregnant. All the sudden my moms side of the family were calling me all the time asking me if I needed any thing like clothes or any baby things. I always talked to my dads side before I got pregnant but I talk to them even more now. They have all been really supportive on both sides besides a few snide comments here and there.
I am most thankful for my mom. She helps pay for everything and always has. She woks two jobs now to help pay mortgage and doctor bills since my dads not paying support. She can be authoritative a lot but pretty lenient most of the time. She helps a lot more then she should and I do appreciate it. I am also thankful for my boyfriend. He has stayed with me and payed a lot of doctor bills and cares about me and the baby a lot. Most boys his age would leave once I said I was pregnant or say it wasn't theirs. I love my boyfriend and I'm happy this didn't effect our relationship.
But I am extremely grateful for how many close friends I have. Since I got pregnant I have found out who my true friends are. The ones that still come visit or still chill even though I don't go to parties anymore or do the things I used to do with them are the one's I know are true friends. I am grateful for all these things.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear daddy,

My dad has always been my hero. My whole life I have always been able to rely on him for everything. He's is the only person in my life I truly trust with my whole heart. I know if I ever have a problem or if I am ever upset, all I have to do is call him and he'll make me feel better. Yea, even though he hasn't always been around and hasn't always paid child support, he has still always been the nicest and best support system I have ever had. My mom has always given me everything I need, always been there, always taken care of me. She is a wonderful person and probably should be my hero but there is always something about a girl and her dad that can never be taken away. I am a daddy's girl down to my core and always have been. Even though I am a very independent person I rely on my dad to give me advice and to calm me down when I am upset. He knows exactly how to talk to me, or when to not talk to me and just listen or just hug me. To me I just got my looks from my mom, but my personality is almost exactly like mi padre's. He always believes in me and trusts me with anything. He truly is one of a kind. I love you dad. <3

Monday, November 16, 2009

I learned

I just finished my art Imovie on Vincent van Gogh. Doing research about him I learned a few things. I learned that he was insane and killed himself two years after being released from a mental hospital. He had cut off part of his ear in a fit of insanity before being put in the hospital. Vincent was always emotional and he learned how to take out his emotions in art. He started painting around 7 years old. He was born in Holland where he lived with his dad in a religious community where his dad was pastor. He moved to Paris to help be a manager with his brother of an art gallery. While there he ended up meeting really famous artists who he became friends with and learned new techniques from them.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The economy

The economy has affected my family a lot. I haven't been able to do or get as many things as I would liked because I can't afford it and either can my mom. My dad hasn't been able to pay child support because he has other bills to pay and that also hasn't helped with our situation at all. Especially now that I am pregnant, I have found it extremely hard to do the things I want to do because I have to pay for doctor visits and getting things ready for a baby. It is also really hard to find a job because of the economy. Jobs are hiring people with more experience instead of kids who just want to work part-time. I don't have a car so I don't have to worry about gas or insurance. Now that it is my senior year though, we have all these expenses and deadlines to pay them. It's really hard and kind of ridiculous to me that we have to pay so much. I am not going to be able to pay to go on the senior trip or any other things we get to do. The only thing I'll probably be able to pay is the senior fees, the cap and gown, and a year book if I'm lucky. I wish that I could find a job to help out with things at home or so I could pay for my own senior fees.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Macbeth is evil

To me Macbeth is the most evil character in the story. Some say Lady Macbeth is but she's not the one who committed the murder or who arranged for the murder of Banquo. Yeah she convinced Macbeth to kill Duncan but she basically tried to talk Macbeth out of killing Banquo. I think Macbeth is most evil because he is the one who actually went in and slit Duncan's throat while he slept. Macbeth is the one who had murderers come in and make a plan as to when and where to be able to kill Banquo and his son.. His son got away but Banquo was still a really good and loyal friend to Macbeth. He didn't care though, he just wanted to make sure his spot was safe as king even if it meant having his friend killed. Macbeth also has a plan to murder Macduff now and Duncan's sons and Banquo's son. He just keeps killing and killing and plotting more and more murders. He doesn't care who he hurts as long as he remains king. I'm sure as the story goes on there will be more murders that Macbeth commits or has someone else commit.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

30 lines.

So today we have to write 30 lines of whatever we want. It's our choice, and I'm going to write about photo booth. :) Photo booth is this little thing on all our computers where you can take pictures. All kinds of pictures. Normal ones, squashed ones, long ones, twirly ones. Look at my blog for examples. But anyways, I'm writing about this because I really have no idea what else to write about and I know all of us in this class and other classes always have fun on Photo booth. No matter what you do you always end up laughing your arse off. It's just you and a couple friends sitting around your lab top taking goofy pictures and having a good time. It always brings friends together and usually makes you end up wasting a class period just laughing. I'm glad the school put it on these computers because it really is a lot of fun. Yes, even though we should be doing class work, It is nice to goof off every once in a while. And even though 'm supposed to write 30 lines, I can't. I don't know what else to tell you, just try it out.


When I think of Macbeth, I think of someone who is weak minded, selfish, and power hungry. I think of someone who needs advice before he can make a decision on his own. The only person this really reminds me of is George Bush. I don't know why, but it does. Bush never cared about what all the people wanted. Take the war for example. Everyone wanted him to bring out the troops but he just kept putting more in. Why? For oil. So he could become more rich and powerful while people lost their lives for something totally pointless anymore. Something thats is almost 9 years old. It's ridiculous. And now Obama is doing the same thing. He said he was going to pull them out and he hasn't, he's put more in. Tell me how that's fair? I think all our presidents are pretty selfish and don't care that much about fixing America as they should. Just as Macbeth doesn't care as long as his prophecies come true. He wants to become king even though he is already Thane of Glamis AND Cawdor. That's selfish. The people love King Duncan but Macbeth doesn't care.