Tuesday, November 3, 2009


When I think of Macbeth, I think of someone who is weak minded, selfish, and power hungry. I think of someone who needs advice before he can make a decision on his own. The only person this really reminds me of is George Bush. I don't know why, but it does. Bush never cared about what all the people wanted. Take the war for example. Everyone wanted him to bring out the troops but he just kept putting more in. Why? For oil. So he could become more rich and powerful while people lost their lives for something totally pointless anymore. Something thats is almost 9 years old. It's ridiculous. And now Obama is doing the same thing. He said he was going to pull them out and he hasn't, he's put more in. Tell me how that's fair? I think all our presidents are pretty selfish and don't care that much about fixing America as they should. Just as Macbeth doesn't care as long as his prophecies come true. He wants to become king even though he is already Thane of Glamis AND Cawdor. That's selfish. The people love King Duncan but Macbeth doesn't care.

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