Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My family and friends

I am most grateful for my family. I don't get along with all of them but no matter what we are always here for each other. I really didn't realize it either until I got pregnant. All the sudden my moms side of the family were calling me all the time asking me if I needed any thing like clothes or any baby things. I always talked to my dads side before I got pregnant but I talk to them even more now. They have all been really supportive on both sides besides a few snide comments here and there.
I am most thankful for my mom. She helps pay for everything and always has. She woks two jobs now to help pay mortgage and doctor bills since my dads not paying support. She can be authoritative a lot but pretty lenient most of the time. She helps a lot more then she should and I do appreciate it. I am also thankful for my boyfriend. He has stayed with me and payed a lot of doctor bills and cares about me and the baby a lot. Most boys his age would leave once I said I was pregnant or say it wasn't theirs. I love my boyfriend and I'm happy this didn't effect our relationship.
But I am extremely grateful for how many close friends I have. Since I got pregnant I have found out who my true friends are. The ones that still come visit or still chill even though I don't go to parties anymore or do the things I used to do with them are the one's I know are true friends. I am grateful for all these things.