Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I don't even know where to start.

Getting pregnant my senior year is definitely not something I ever planned on happening. There are so many things I have to get done before the baby is born that no teenager, no matter what, is ever going to be ready for. And on top of that, I still have to worry about school and getting into college. My plan for all this is to hopefully just stay calm and let the pieces lay where they fall. Some people will read that and say "that's stupid, I would freak out if that happened to me." But I've never been like that. Everything happens for a reason and God never gives you something He feels like you can't handle. I'm just taking everything one step at a time right now and hoping for the best. I don't really have a plan yet truthfully, I just want to finish this year with good grades and a scholarship to go to college. I'm going to overcome all this by just working hard and staying focused. I know that everything will be okay and that I have plenty of friends, family, and teachers who are very loving and supportive to help me through all this. And I am very appreciative of that so thank you all so much for being there for me. <3

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