Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My thoughts to all you freshman.

Aahh freshman year. That's a funny thing to talk about. I was so nervous and intimidated by everything and everyone. Everything was so different compared to W.D. Sugg Middle School. At Sugg, ha, we ran that school and then I came here. New people, new teachers, new hallways. I think I got lost almost everyday for my first week of high school . Thinking back I think it's funny how nervous I was compared to how confident I am now, but there are a lot of things I wish I could go back and change. For instance, as a freshman, I had an older brother that was a sophomore and man did he love to skip. And I loved to skip with him. My grades slowly started slipping and my drive for a better education slowly slipped away with it. Even when I came to school I was not interested or involved. I ended my first year with a low GPA and a very angry mother. Sophomore year wasn't any better for me, if anything it was worse. Now that I am a senior, I have seen how those mistakes are effecting me as I try to find scholarships and colleges who are willing to take me. I have had to work my whole junior year to make up for those mistakes and it looks like I will work all of this year too. My advice to you, don't skip, don't get cocky and think "you got this", and don't get caught up in peer pressure with drugs, alcohol, parties, and people who aren't worth your time or wasting your education for. High school flies by, no matter who you are, so like I said, don't waste your time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi savannah :]. My name is Brittany and yes, I am a freshman. When I read this it really made sense to me. You gave me some amazing advice. I have friends that skip class all the time, but no i have never skipped a class ever. I was a lot like you when freshman year started, eighth grade was awesome because you were the big kids on campus and you were the oldest. When high school started i was so nervous. The first week was horrible I had to ask everyone for help to find my way around. But after awhile I found my way around by myself. I'm sure high school will go by fast like you said, it just doesn't seem like that right now. :D I should probably stop rambling. (: But thank you for the advice. It will be taken in grately.
-Brittany, former freshman <3