Monday, October 5, 2009

My senior year I want to....

There are plenty of things I would like to accomplish this year. One thing I would like to do is just graduate. I really want to get a scholarship to get into college. I want to go to Florida College of Natural Health for massage therapy. I want to avoid skipping school too much this year so I can avoid getting any bad grades. I want to end school with a good G.P.A and plenty of knowledge on how to blog. :) I am looking forward to being a new mother. It was Not expected but I will work with it and it will be o.k. My goal this year is to try to get out in January(because of the baby) but still walk with our class in June. I want to take my second semester online with novel stars so this could happen. I would still go to B.H.S while I did this, I would just be in Coach Stubbs class for first period. I have already talked to my councilor about it so I'm hoping it will happen. I know this will be a shock to everyone reading this but I have it under control and it doesn't change who I am. If you have anything bad to say, I don't want to hear it.

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